
Im Rahmen des Englischunterrichts hat die Klasse 4a Briefe an Kinder einer Primary School in Auckland/Neuseeland geschrieben.

Mit Spannung werden die Antwortbriefe erwartet. Hier sind einige Briefe der SchülerInnen der 4a :


Hello xxxxxx*,

My name is xxxxxx*, too.

How are you? I’m fine.

I’m 9 years old and my birthday is on xx.xx*. How old are you and when’s your birthday? My favourite hobbies are riding a horse, playing the guitar and doing athletics.

I live in Rheinbach. Where do you live and what’s your favourite hobby?

I have an older brother and some pets: 1 dog, 3 tortoises and 6 chickens. Do you have pets?

Yours xxxxxx*.



Hello Nathan S., my name is xxxxxx*.

I’m 9 years old. What is your age?

I live in Oberdrees (Germany).

My hobby is doing athletics. What is your hobby? My favourite animal is a leopard. What is your favourite animal?

My best friend is xxxx*. Who is your best friend?

My birthday is xx.xx.xxxx*. What’s your birthday?

My schools is KGS Sankt Martin. What is your school?

My class is 4a. What is our class? My favourite food is burger.




Hello Jemma,

my name is xxxxx*. My hobby is doing athletics and playing the guitar.

What is your hobby?

And I like cats. What do you like?

What is your favourite food?

Bye bye Jemma.

Yours, xxxxx*



Hello Jaide,

My name is xxxxxx*.

I’m 9 years old. I live with my parents and my brother in Rheinbach, Germany. I like to play the guitar and I like to read books and meet my friends.

I’m attending the fourth grade of primary school. Which hobbies do you like?

Goodbye and best wishes,




* Die Namen der Lernenden und die Geburtsdaten wurden aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen